
Preschool & Kindergarten Enrollment Information

General Info

Holy Cross offers preschool and prekindergarten through 8th grade. We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow. Our institution promotes and supports the spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children ensuring them an easy transition into Kindergarten as well as preparing them for the next level in their educational journey. Extended Care options are available for our 5 day students. Contact us with any question you may have.

PreKindergarten: Full Day

Full Day is Monday thru Friday from 8:15am - 3:15pm. Cost is $3,750 per year and the student must be 4 years old by October 15. Please note that Nebraska State Law has changed and now requires all Kindergarteners turn 5 before July 31 to begin Kindergarten in the fall of that school year. Student must be independently toilet trained.

PreKindergarten: 1/2 day

Half day is Monday thru Friday. Cost is $2000 per year and the student must be 4 years old by October 15. Please note that Nebraska State Law has changed and now requires all Kindergarteners turn 5 before July 31 to begin Kindergarten in the fall of that school year.

Preschool: 1/2 day

Preschool is offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday half day. Cost is $1380 per year and student must be 3 by start of school.

Kindergarten - 8th Grade

Our enrollment is now open for grades TK - 8th grade. Transitional Kindergarten is a two year kindergarten program meant to support students who are eligible for kindergarten, but are not academically and/or socially ready to be successful in a traditional kindergarten setting. The program also supports children who have just missed the Nebraska age guideline for entrance into kindergarten. Cost is $2760 per student with discounted rates for multiple children.

Transitional Kindergarten

Holy Cross is one of two schools in the Omaha Catholic Consortium offering Transitional Kindergarten. Transitional Kindergarten is a two year kindergarten program meant to support students who are eligible for kindergarten, but are not academically and/or socially ready to be successful in a traditional kindergarten setting. The program also supports children who have just missed the Nebraska age guideline for entrance into kindergarten. Through a combination of prekindergarten and kindergarten curriculum, the program intends to help every child be on grade level by third grade, if not sooner. TK students partake in all aspects of a school day just like K through 8th grade students. The students will wear the school uniforms and attend specials classes such as art, spanish, PE and music. Requirements: Students must be 5 years of age prior to October 15th.